Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Wed 22 Jul 2020
Posts: 153,
Visits: 874
I'd like to write a routine to import massively customers (from csv file or from an SQL table, previously extracted from an ERP) in [tblKartrisUsers] table.
Giving a look to the table I found that the minimal info I should supply to an insert command are: [U_EmailAddress],[U_Password],[U_AccountHolderName],[U_LanguageID],[U_SaltValue] having that the rest of fields in SQL database have a default value or are not needed to let then the user access the site.
The problem are [U_Password] and [U_SaltValue] values: I don't understand how they work because it seems to me that every record in [tblKartrisUsers] table has its [U_SaltValue] as if every password has its personal decrypting key (randomly generated?). Furthermore, even [U_SaltValue] seems encrypted itself... maybe using Hash Salt String defined in install process and stored in web.config.file?
May you summarize to me how it works the relationship between [U_Password] and [U_SaltValue] (and eventually web.config's Hash Salt String)? And then may you suggest to me a modus operandi to reach my goal?
Thank you a lot
Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Wed 22 Jul 2020
Posts: 153,
Visits: 874
I could use a thing like this?
Dim idcliente = userBLL._Add(U_AccountHolderName, U_EmailAddress, U_Password, U_LanguageID, U_CustomerGroupID, U_CustomerDiscount, blnUserApproved, blnUserAffiliate, U_AffiliateCommission, U_SupportEndDate, U_Notes)
'userBLL._Add may return nothing if something goes wrong if not isnothing(idcliente) then 'create address object with data from file Dim addr = New KartrisClasses.Address(<name of customer>, <company>, <address>, <city>, <P.O.code>, <destination.D_ID of customer's country>, <phone>
'insert new address Dim addrID = KartrisClasses.Address.AddUpdate(addr, idcliente, True) end if