transfer shop from staging location to live location

Posted By tasosdr Wed 22 Jan 2014
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 Posted Wed 22 Jan 2014
Supreme Being

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Beeing at the final stage of implementation I would like to seek your advise of the best way to transfer the whole shop from the stage location (subdomain) to the live location (root), in order the solution to go live at last.
Can you advise me an bullet-proof way of doing this? It is actually my 1st time of a kartris e-shop development and I would like to standarize a procedure.

Thanks in advance,

Tasos Drosiadis
Paul Marked As Answer
 Posted Wed 22 Jan 2014
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I assume that you need to physically move the Kartris files, and not just change DNS or IIS to point the main domain at the web?

You would need to first create a new web (or clean out the existing web space for the main domain) and upload all your Kartris files to it.

If the MSSQL is on the same server, you can leave it in place. You may need to add a new user to the database, and give it appropriate permissions, if the new web site runs as a different user to the subdomain you were running on.

Finally, you will need to login to the back end on the new site and then ensure the following config settings are updated:

general.webshopURL (make sure this starts http:// and ends with a /)
general.webshopfolder (if you were previously running in a subfolder).

If you don't update the webshopURL setting, you will find that the front end of the site keeps redirecting to the subdomain, even though you've set up Kartris on the full domain.

Finally, check the web folder in Windows Explorer (right click properties), then security tab, and ensure the web user for this web has full control. This ensures Kartris can write files as required (e.g. file uploads, logs, payment gateway config files, etc.).

that should be everything. IF you get any errors, check the log files (in case the back end is not working, you can find the raw files in Uploads/Logs).

If my post solves your issue, can you 'Mark as Answer' so it's easier for other users to find in future.

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 Posted Thu 23 Jan 2014
Supreme Being

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Hi Tasos,
if you finalise a standardise step-by-step procedure, would you kindly post it here as it would be useful for other users being a common approach (incl. myself).

When you attempt the process, may I suggest you shut down the subdomain temporarily so the system makes no references to it and it is fully dependent to the root install.



** If you find this post useful, please rate it. Thanks.

 Posted Fri 24 Jan 2014
Supreme Being

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for sure I will post the walkthrough of the successfull attempt.

Thanks for the suggestion.

tasosdr Marked As Answer
 Posted Fri 31 Jan 2014
Supreme Being

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It worked like a charm.

I am stating the whole process just as a reference:

1. The staging site was in a sub-domain (
2. The MSSQL database was in the same server, obviously.
3. I made space to the root
4. I copied all the contents of the, through plesk functions to web root
5. I made sure that the ASP.NET settings were OK (v.4.x) and that the connection string was pointing correctly to the database
6. I changed the webshopurl setting to point to the new address

And all were just fine!


 Posted Tue 4 Feb 2014
Supreme Being

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One area I am looking into is redirects for older pages that may have been active on an older shopping cart.

An ecommerce site I look after has over 1000 products for the .htaccess file will be very large!

Is there a simplier method to create redirects????

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