Group: Forum Members
Last Active: Tue 2 Feb 2021
Posts: 77,
Visits: 334
I created a new report page for the admin, and added this line to the _web.sitemap file.
<siteMapNode title="$resources:_Kartris,PageTitle_SalesStats" url="~/Admin/_SalesReport.aspx?" value="orders" />
It now show in the report menu, but when I click on it, I get this message:
Unknown Backend Page. This needs to be added to the Admin/_web.sitemap. If you don't want to show the link to the navigation menu. set its 'visible' tag to 'false' in the sitemap entry. e.g.<siteMapNode title="default" url="~/Admin/_Default.aspx" visible="false" />
I can't view the page,
Please help,