namespace change
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By t green - Tue 7 May 2019
How do I change the namespace, name that shows next to favicon at top of browser from saying kartris, to the name of my site?

when i change namespace in kartris\web.config it throws error and site stops running.
By Paul - Fri 10 May 2019
This isn't a name space, it's a site name label. Pretty much all the text like this that would be changed is in the database as language strings.

If you go to the back and and find language strings, enter 'kartris', check to search only front end ones (these are visible to customers, rather than ones in the admin side) and then you should see all matches for text coming up. You can click to edit them.
By t green - Sat 11 May 2019
I was searching for weeks for solution.
It changed with Config_Webshopname in Language string.

You guys are great, Thank you