anyone make a report to see how much tax was collected over a date period
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By SAbow - Tue 24 Jul 2018

I have a website that would like to run report to see how much tax was collected over a fiscal period? Is there such a feature? Does anyone have a query to get this info?

By Tiggywiggler - Sat 28 Jul 2018
I have not seen such a report, but you could run a custom query from Admin > Configuration > Database Admin > Run Query.

Something like:

select sum(IR_Quantity * IR_TaxPerItem)
FROM tblKartrisInvoiceRows kir INNER JOIN tblKartrisOrders ko
on ko.O_ID = kir.IR_OrderNumberID
WHERE ko.O_Date BETWEEN '2016-01-01' AND '2017-01-01'

would give you a result, but I am not sure if you would need to do a currency conversion on this.