Move category to Custom Pages
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By Vincent - Fri 19 Aug 2016

Is there a way to move a category from Categories to Custom Pages? or I'll have to create a new page in Custom page and start all over?
By Tiggywiggler - Sun 21 Aug 2016
What do you mean?

1. You want to take the category page and use it as the basis for a custom page?
2. You want to have a button on the category page that takes you to a custom page?
3. You want to replace the category pages you currently use with a custom page?
By Vincent - Mon 22 Aug 2016
#3 Smile
By Paul - Tue 23 Aug 2016
There is no easy way to automatically convert category pages to custom pages, it would require copying and pasting unless you write some kind of script/sql which would be pretty complicated. Obviously if you remove categories, they'll no longer show in the main navigation menu for categories, so you'd need to add the pages manually to the skin master template, or to the web_menu.sitemap if you want the pages to appear in the other navigation menu.
By Vincent - Tue 23 Aug 2016
Yeah, that's what I did. Thought I would ask if there is a better way. Thanks anyway!