RRP in Search Results

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By GlenN - Fri 15 Jul 2016

Is it possible for me to display products' RRPs in the search results? Preferably below the Minprice. I found the following code, and tried to add it to its own div below the "minprice" div in ProductTemplateSearchResult.ascx, but to no avail:

<aspTongueanel EnableViewState="false" ID="pnlRRP" runat="server" Visible='<%# KartSettingsManager.GetKartConfig("frontend.versions.display.showrrp") = "y" And Eval("V_RRP") > 0 %>'>
<span class="rrp">
<asp:Literal EnableViewState="false" ID="litContentText_RRP" runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: Versions, ContentText_RRP %>" />
<span class="figure">
<asp:Literal ID="litRRP" runat="server" Text='<%# Eval("V_RRP") %>' EnableViewState="false" /></span></span>

Thank you,
By Tiggywiggler - Thu 28 Jul 2016
V_RRP is not called with that dataset, therefore the data is not available for this page. I have checked and not only is the information not in the dataset, it is not in the SQL Procedure that is returning this data, so there is no quick fix.

You could add the control as a plain literal and then populate the RRP as the search page loads, but there is no function in ProductsBLL to get you this RRP from the product ID, so you will need to write one yourself.