By Supermac - Tue 12 Jul 2016
I know I should hide myself for this question but... how can I change the sign of email sent after order status change etc etc? I receive email signed by Kartris with correct webshopurl, I'd to subsitute Kartris with shopname...
By shulemj - Tue 12 Jul 2016
Search "Config_Subjectline" in Language Strings (
By Supermac - Wed 20 Jul 2016
I ckecked all email's class voices in Language Strings but I didn't find what I'm looking for. I'm talking about the sign at the foot of the email that customer receives when order's status is changed.
Thank you
By Paul - Mon 25 Jul 2016
The emails sent from the site have HTML templates which are located in the skin the site is using. The default ones will be
If your site uses other languages, create appropriate templates for those using the ISO code for the language, e.g.