Default.aspx won't load
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By GlenN - Fri 1 Jul 2016
I have set up my company's Kartris site at both and The domains point to the IP address of a server we have here, which has IIS on it. I configured the IIS settings to point to the folder where the Kartris site files are, and gave it bindings for both domains. However, Default.aspx won't load upon visiting either site. Are there any back-endsettings I need to configure to make the site accessible?

By Paul - Fri 1 Jul 2016
If the back end throws an error too (/admin/) then open windows explorer and find the error logs here:


THere should be a .config file with today's date as the name (we use .config so the errors cannot be viewed by typing the path to the file). Open this in notepad and it should show the error that is being created. If the error itself isn't self explanatory, can you post it here?
By GlenN - Fri 1 Jul 2016
Hi Paul,

There actually is no Errors folder within the Logs folder, and hence no .config files. I'm not sure what happened there. What should I do next?

By Paul - Fri 1 Jul 2016
That suggests it doesn't have permissions to write the logs. Are you sure that you have set permissions for the site? In particular, the IIS user account for the web needs to have full control permissions, and also needs to be set up as a db user, and given permissions on the kartris database.
By GlenN - Tue 5 Jul 2016
When I was changing the WebShopURL, I did notice logs being written in the Errors folder, but obviously, those had nothing to do with why Default.aspx wouldn't load. I tried accessing, and that displays, so I believe the permissions are correct. I'm not really sure how to proceed from here.
By Paul - Wed 6 Jul 2016
What is your webshopURL value? Does it have http:// at the start and a / at the end?
By Tiggywiggler - Thu 7 Jul 2016
Hello Glen,

I see that your webpage is now loading and you can get to Default.aspx.

If Paul provided the correct answer, can you mark his post as 'answer' please? If not, can you post what you did to benefit people who come here in future please?

Thank you.
By GlenN - Fri 8 Jul 2016
After deleting all the Kartris site database/files and starting over again, I was still in the same position. However, I managed to get it working by doing these steps:

--In IIS, I made a separate site ( outside of the Default Web Site, and had it point to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\aepgsa (where all the Kartris site files are located)
--I gave this site HTTP bindings for both and (IP address: All Unassigned; Port: 80 for both)--On, where the domain is registered, I set the A Host (@) to the IP address of the machine where the Kartris site is set up
--Also on, I forwarded the domain to the IP address of the machine where the Kartris site is set up, although I'm not sure that I actually needed to do this

Hopefully I didn't leave any steps out. If I did, I'd be glad to assist anyone individually who is struggling with this same issue.