By Vincent - Tue 31 May 2016
Hello, I am wondering whats the best method to backup the website and database?
By Paul - Tue 31 May 2016
There are two things really you need.
First is a copy of the web site's files - for these you'd need to use FTP to pull down all the site files from the web site. Most of these files won't change very often, but if you upload new product images, those are stored as files in the Images folder. So it's best to take backups regularly.
Also need to back up the database. This should ideally be at least daily because you have new customers and orders going on all the time so you want to minimize the qty of data you risk losing if there is a failure of the web site. You can configure a download path and with right permissions create backups from the database admin section in the back end for download.
Generally though we'd recommend automating the process of backups because otherwise it always tends to get forgotten or done irregularly, and of course never right before you actually need the backups. There are various scripts and bat files available free if you google, these combined with a good FTP backup program can be used to download nightly backups and sync files to a local machine so you always have a copy. If possible, we'd suggest rolling backups on the db, so you retain several days of backups rather than just the last one. In some cases you may not notice a db problem immediately, or you may make db changes and not notice you broke something until a couple of days later. The more days of backups you have, the better your changes of having a copy of the db from before things went wrong.