Export SEO meta data

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By toomuchpresha - Thu 12 May 2016
Anyone know how to export the SEO meta data from the categories using the database admin tools?

By Tiggywiggler - Sat 14 May 2016
Not from the admin page, no. However, you can export Meta data directly from the SQL Server database and if you had a need to export this from the admin pages you could create a custom page to perform this function.

For example, All SEO Meta Descriptions are in table tblKartrisLanguageElements and have an LE_FieldID value of '4'. If you only want the categories then you want records with an LE_TypeID of 3.

The actual categories are also in tblKartrisLanguageElements so if you wanted the category names and the SEO data in a single view then you would produce an SQL Server view that joined two instances of the same table to produce that lookup.

For example:

SELECT CatLE.LE_ParentID CategoryID, CatLE.LE_Value CategoryName, CatSeoLE.LE_Value SeoDescription
FROM tblKartrisLanguageElements CatLE LEFT OUTER JOIN tblKartrisLanguageElements CatSeoLE
ON CatLE.LE_ParentID = CatSeoLE.LE_ParentID
AND CatLE.LE_TypeID = CatSeoLE.LE_TypeID
WHERE CatLE.LE_FieldID = 1 AND CatLE.LE_TypeID=3
AND CatSeoLE.LE_FieldID = 4