I tried to turn off Try These Categories by setting frontend.crossselling.trythesecategories to 0. It didn't work, and when I traced through the code to see why I found that the Try These Categories functionality wasn't using this parameter at all for determining how many categories to show. I corrected this through the following changes:
Updated the Stored Procedure to accept and use the number of Categories to display with the following SQL Statement:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[spKartrisCategories_GetByProductID]
@P_ID int,
@LANG_ID tinyint,
@numTryTheseCategories int
SELECT TOP (@numTryTheseCategories) vKartrisTypeCategories.CAT_ID, vKartrisTypeCategories.CAT_Name
FROM vKartrisTypeCategories INNER JOIN
tblKartrisProductCategoryLink ON vKartrisTypeCategories.CAT_ID = tblKartrisProductCategoryLink.PCAT_CategoryID
WHERE (vKartrisTypeCategories.LANG_ID = @LANG_ID) AND (tblKartrisProductCategoryLink.PCAT_ProductID = @P_ID)
Updated the katrisCategoriesData.xsd data adapter to include the new parameter
Updated the CategoriesBLL.vb at line 59 to be:
Public Shared Function GetCategoriesByProductID(ByVal _ProductID As Integer, ByVal _LanguageID As Short, ByVal _numTryTheseCategories As Integer) As DataTable
Return Adptr.GetByProductID(_ProductID, _LanguageID, _numTryTheseCategories)
End Function
Updated the CarryOnShopping.ascx.vb at line 120 to be:
Sub LoadLinkedCategories()
Dim intTryTheseCategories As Integer
intTryTheseCategories = CInt(GetKartConfig("frontend.crossselling.trythesecategories"))
Catch ex As Exception
intTryTheseCategories = 0
End Try
If intTryTheseCategories > 0 Then
'' Add the linked categories to a DataTable
Dim tblCategories As New DataTable
tblCategories = CategoriesBLL.GetCategoriesByProductID(_ProductID, _LanguageID, intTryTheseCategories)
'' If there is no linked categories, then exit this section.
If tblCategories.Rows.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
'' Bind the linked categories in to rptLinkedCategories, and View its container.
phdLinkedCategories.Visible = True
rptLinkedCategories.DataSource = tblCategories.DefaultView
''Hide try these categories section
phdLinkedCategories.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
This appears to be a bug fix and not new functionality, so it would be great to see these changes implemented in the next release.