By jcosmo - Thu 14 Jan 2016
I just spent a bunch of time debugging how/why my skin was breaking the Add to Cart functionality in the site.
I ended up finding that when I moved the location of the BasketView control in my skin by copying and paisting it in Visual Studio, Visual Studio gate the control an ID of BasketView1, and that broke the site because Kartris requires a control with the ID of UC_MiniBasket on the site...
That left me wondering what other user controls are required in a skin, and what ID's must they have. I checked the Kartris User Guide and there isn't any information about any UserControls being required or their names needing to be specific.
I think the documentation should be updated to reflect any required UserControls and to identify if the UserControl ID must be a specific value.
By Supermac - Fri 15 Jan 2016
I'm not sure I understand the problem but you could remap usercontrols in web.config setting the new UC's location... a thing like this
<!-- <add tagPrefix="user" tagName="ImageViewer" src="~/UserControls/General/ImageViewer.ascx" /> --> <add tagPrefix="user" tagName="ImageViewer" src="~/Myfolder/MyImageViewer.ascx" />
This allows you to use your UC's instead of the original ones leaving them at their place
By jcosmo - Fri 15 Jan 2016
I wasn't trying to replace a user control, I was just skinning the site. When I copied the user control as I was moving it around in the skin, Visual Studio changed it from:<user:BasketView Id="UC_MiniBasket" runat="server" ViewType="MINI_BASKET" /> to: <user:BasketView Id="BasketView1" runat="server" ViewType="MINI_BASKET" />
This broke the Add To Cart functionality in the site, because when adding an item in the cart it explicitly requires a user control named UC_MiniBasket to be on the page.
My concern is that with skinning, there isn't any documentation about what controls are required, or what their names must be. Normally, it shouldn't matter at all if I choose to remove a user control from my skin that I don't want on a page, or if I choose to rename the control.
So if names matter or controls are required, they should be documented for Skin designers.