Shipping Option Delivery Time
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By jcosmo - Fri 27 Nov 2015
The Shipping Option object used in the interface for Shipping Plugins (Kartris.Interfaces.objShippingOption) has properties for GuaranteedDaysToDelivery and DeliveryTime. These are used by the UPS plugin, and appear could be used by other plugins...

The ShippingMethod object used in the site (KartrisClasses.ShippingMethod) doesn't have these properties. The ShippingMethodsDropdown control shows available shipping methods, but doesn't have the ability to show delivery times for the options.

Is there any plan to provide delivery estimates through the KartrisClasses.ShippingMethod and the ShippingMethodsDropdown?

Is there any current use to the GuaranteedDaysToDelivery and DeliveryTime properties on Kartris.Interfaces.objShippingOption?