Integrating Kartris with DotNetNuke
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By - Tue 17 Nov 2015
Hello everyone

I need to integrate Kartris with DotNetNuke's user authentication API. So every user in DotNetNuke could use Kartris shop too. In this way Kartris hold all user's profile information like shipping addresses,... and Kartris will use DotNetNuke for authentication.
Of course I need to keep Kartris upgradeable so it would be nice to keep away from source modification.

Is this possible without source code modification?

FYI: DotNetNuke uses custom made ASP.Net membership provider.
By Paul - Tue 17 Nov 2015
Kartris also uses a modified membership provider, so it would certainly involve code changes to use an alternative db table, perhaps extensive because our customized membership provider has some Kartris specific things added.

Perhaps an alternative approach would be to link the membership system so data is synchronized between the two databases, especially if you're not wanting to modify code.