Minimum Order Value Settings/Currency Converter Problem
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By Cabrach - Sat 10 Oct 2015
We've had a few orders come through where the minimum order value settings don't work correctly. When a customer uses the currency converter they can bypass the minimum order values, simply by clicking the 'x' in the pop-up message, then proceeding right through checkout.

A fix would be most welcome.
By Cabrach - Fri 16 Oct 2015
Another 3 orders this week which we've had to supply at a loss. Can anyone help at all?
By Paul - Tue 20 Oct 2015
Find this around line 470 of checkout.aspx.vb (root):

        If numMinOrderValue > 0 Then

If GetKartConfig("") = "y" Then

'Prices include tax
If UC_BasketView.GetBasket.TotalIncTax < numMinOrderValue Then
End If
If UC_BasketView.GetBasket.TotalExTax < numMinOrderValue Then
End If
End If
End If

change to

        If numMinOrderValue > 0 Then

If GetKartConfig("") = "y" Then

'Prices include tax
If UC_BasketView.GetBasket.TotalIncTax < CurrenciesBLL.ConvertCurrency(Session("CUR_ID"), numMinOrderValue) Then
End If
If UC_BasketView.GetBasket.TotalExTax < CurrenciesBLL.ConvertCurrency(Session("CUR_ID"), numMinOrderValue) Then
End If
End If
End If

This applies the present currency to the minorderval setting, so changing currency should see the min order value increased by the same amount in numeric terms as the order total
By Cabrach - Wed 21 Oct 2015
Thanks, that's done the trickSmile