New strings
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By Supermac - Wed 2 Sep 2015
In backend is possible to insert new strings to be translated in various language used by the site.
This would be really useful for customization work I'm doing but I don't know how can I use that strings in my pages using a syntax similar to this:

<asp:Literal ID="..." runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: ContactUs, ContentText_AddressAndPhoneContact %>" />

having that new records added in tblKartrisLanguageStrings have NULL LS_className?
By Supermac - Tue 8 Sep 2015
I solved with a "personal patch".
I insert all strings I need in database using backend, then I use a query in backend/configuration/database admin like this:

update [dbo].[tblKartrisLanguageStrings] SET LS_className = '_MyClass' WHERE Ls_className=NULL AND LS_VirtualPath=NULL

This adds 'MyClass' class name to new records and allows me to use the following syntax in pages:
<asp:Literal ID="..." runat="server" Text="<%$ Resources: MyClass, ContentText_StringIAdded %>" />

If there's a smarter way to obtain same result I'll be happy to know.