log file not found

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By Supermac - Mon 20 Jul 2015
Maybe I found a couple of errors in \UserControls\Back\_AdminErrorLogs.ascx.vb code.

In btnRefresh_Click function and in lbxFiles_SelectedIndexChanged function, strFilePath string is malformed... correct format should be:
Dim strFilePath As String = Server.MapPath("~/" & ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("errorlogpath") & "/Errors/" & lbxFiles.SelectedValue)

I'm debated if it's correct that log files deletion it deletes even Errors folder....
By Paul - Mon 20 Jul 2015
Well spotted.

Deleting the Errors folder should be fine. If it is not found, the code that writes error messages will create it. I tried and got it to both delete, and get rewritten if I generated an error, so I think your fix is all that is required. I've update the file and checked into source control, it should be in the next zip build but is available already through the source control on codeplex.