Review Rating/Moderation
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By metalmania - Wed 24 Jun 2015
After migrating customers and their related data using the Datatool from Cactushop v6 - I encountered a problem when accessing the review functionality in the admin area in order to moderate ("_Reviews.aspx?strModerate=y")...this page was throwing a "Oops!" error page.

I have tracked down the problem to be related to review entries where the Rating in Cactushop was 0 (Zero) - this seems to be migrated into tblKartrisReviews.Rev_Rating as NULL.

The review page obviously doesn't like the fact there are null values in the rating column (even though it is a nullable) and you get an "Oops!" error.

The simple fix I applied was to set the rating to 1 where the rating was null.
update [dbname].[dbo].[tblKartrisReviews]
set rev_rating = 1
where rev_rating is null