Back end: Installed version in not what I got
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By t_rick_s - Mon 16 Feb 2015
The back end "update is available"-box claims I have v2.8001 installd but according to general.kartrisinfo.versionadded I have 2.8002.

Downloaded the latest v2.8002, looked up which files that had been updated since January the 3:rd, copied those over to my online site and ran the UpdateSQL_2.8001_To_2.8002.sql.

Cleared all browser history and such. Still displays wrong version installed. Why?
By Paul - Tue 17 Feb 2015
The 'currently installed' version is set within the following file, together with the release date near the top of the file:


The problem was that when using the Data Tool, we needed to identify which version of Kartris the database was when you connect to it, hence we needed a db record too. Sometimes we've been a little sloppy about updating this db setting value with each update, because as long as it doesn't change what the Data Tool runs, it's not so important.

But generally the Kartris.vb file *will* be updated with release date and version with each new release, so that's the one you should take notice of when checking your version. Obviously though this is only really reliable if you update all files in the site (if for example, you just updated the Kartris.vb, the site would report as the latest version, even if you did not update the other files).
By t_rick_s - Tue 17 Feb 2015
I already have the latest Kartris.vb in the packet modified since January the 3:rd:
    Public Const KARTRIS_VERSION As Decimal = 2.8002    Public Const KARTRIS_VERSION_ISSUE_DATE As Date = #2/13/2015# '' MM/dd/yyyy
So there should be something else?
I belive it has something with the db to do. Tonight I made a fresh local 2.8002 installation, new empty db, and version displayed OK. But then I used the data tool to copy from the hosting service db to my local db, and the versioninfo says 2.8001 installed.

Checked the local db and the CFG_value states 2.8002. Where am I missing to look?