thousand separator on price
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By willyk - Wed 31 Dec 2014
Dear Kartris & Friends,

how can i show or display the thousand separator in price like 1,000,000 ? i already check the settings but still don't find.

thank's Smile
By Paul - Thu 1 Jan 2015
I think you will need to find the FormatCurrencyPrice function in the Currencies BLL and modify that. This should help:

The main problem may be that this function also formats currencies in fields in the back end which are then submitted (such as version prices). If the comma causes problems, that may require further work. I know we've had issues in the past working with commas and points, because in much of Europe and elsewhere, commas are used as decimal separators, with points as thousand separators (the other way around from UK/US). But some payment systems require UK/US formatted numbers. So this can cause some problems to deal with, and I think in many cases we have code that will change a comma in a number to a point for such cases. So what seems like a small modification may cause many issues that will need addressing.
By willyk - Tue 6 Jan 2015
what is the page and the table that contain information about the price.

By willyk - Tue 6 Jan 2015
finally i try to search and find it is tblKartrisVersion.V_Price and to display it with comma then you should edit AppCode/BLL/CurrenciesBLL.vb

Dim strFormatedPrice As String
'strFormatedPrice = Format(_Price, "##0" & sbdZeros.ToString)
strFormatedPrice = Format(_Price, "###,###,###")

thanks Smile