MIGS Intergration

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By rizwanmgm - Mon 15 Dec 2014
Dear Support,

I need to integrate MIGS Payment, is it possible with katris?
if so then please provide me some steps or sample.

By Paul - Mon 15 Dec 2014
There is some sample payment gateway's code on the download page of the Kartris site. This should give a fairly good based to model your own payment system support on.
By rizwanmgm - Wed 17 Dec 2014
Hi Paul,

Thank you for guidance, i downloaded the payment samples but its in VB.
can you help me to integrate MIGS as i need to test it.

By Paul - Wed 17 Dec 2014
The code is in VB, like the rest of kartris.

Kartris is a free open source project, so the amount of help we can offer if you need to add features like new payment gateways is rather limited. If you don't have VB development experience it is probably best to try to find a freelancer who can do this for you.