Error in Stored Procedure spKartrisProducts_GetTopList
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By Valerio - Thu 4 Sep 2014
Hi,i've an error with that store procedure. I've a catalog of 20.000 products and if I make an order for a product with an ID greater than 255, I get an error from store procedures spKartrisProducts_GetTopList:
"overflow error for data type tinyint, value" and the product id.
How can I fix?
thanks a lot of collaboration.
By Valerio - Thu 4 Sep 2014
Solved!If anyone is interested,
i've changed @P_ID and @LANG_ID to int in fnKartrisProducts_GetName and line 20 in spKartrisProducts_GetTopList to
SELECT TOP (@Limit) vKartrisCategoryProductsVersionsLink.P_ID, [dbo].[fnKartrisProducts_GetName](vKartrisCategoryProductsVersionsLink.P_ID, @LANG_ID) AS P_Name

By Paul - Thu 9 Oct 2014
Thanks, this was updated in the latest code which will be part of the next release, but the SQL is here if anyone needs it: