Custom Column Count
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By Tiggywiggler - Sat 9 Aug 2014
The Kartris system displays four columns on the front page by default. I am intending on writting a custom module to allow me to change this (to say a 3 column count). Before I begin this process I was wondering if someone had already done this? If not, once it is complete Iwill offer it to the community.

Thank you.
By Paul - Sun 10 Aug 2014
I am not aware it's done already. We did think about whether there was a way to control layout of the home page and the order the user controls appear (so you can switch it about) but we thought it might end up being a bit more complicated than just editing the default.aspx and CSS. But I'd certainly be interested in seeing how you approach it and it's certainly something we'd happily put in if it ends up simple for users to configure (simpler than editing the pages).
By Tiggywiggler - Mon 11 Aug 2014
Thank you. I will have a play and put up some code later. As you say it is easier to modify the CSS but it may help some of the users who are not CSS savy.
By Tiggywiggler - Wed 13 Aug 2014

Having looked into this further I believe your original assessment is most accurate. It is easier and clearer to leave the end user to edit the CSS directly. I am going to close this idea off.

Thank you.