product.showlargeimageinline - how to set a default value to an object config item
Kartris ASP.NET Ecommerce Software
Kartris technical issues
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By SAbow
Mon 16 Jun 2014
I have a client who'd like all products added to the site to be set as product.showlargeimageinline
enabled = true. Is there a way this can be done easily in the backend to set them all to enabled as they get entered, or has it got to be done manually for each item as it gets added?
Please advise,
By BORNXenon
Wed 18 Jun 2014
You can change the default value of the field in the database.If you find the table dbo.tblKartrisObjectConfig, change the OC_DefaultValue for K:product.showlargeimageinline from 0 to 1 and all newly added products should have
product.showlargeimageinline set to enabled.
Any existing products will have to be changed manually.
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