Admin redirect
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By bpaluch - Thu 8 May 2014
When I try to go the the admin area by going to it takes me to the 404 page. It only works with another forward slash after the word admin such as in order to access the back end. I think this is a small fix that would be greatly appreciated.
By BORNXenon - Wed 21 May 2014
You need to put the trailing slash in because 'Admin' is a directory and not a page.

If you want to be able to access the admin section from you need to add a 301 redirect to your web.config file, e.g.

<!-- 301 Redirects -->
<location path="admin">
<httpRedirect enabled="true" destination="" httpResponseStatus="Permanent" />

Hope this helps.
By Mart - Thu 29 May 2014
Good advice - probably not a bad idea for us to put this into the webconfig as standard.