Invoice - Include Email Address
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By ianguest - Tue 22 Apr 2014
We are using the invoice feature to print off a copy of the order, but require the customer email details to be included.

Can anyone post the suitable code to amend the Invoice.asp file
By knightedtech - Tue 22 Apr 2014
You will probably have to edit the spKartrisCustomer_GetInvoice to add the u_emailaddress field from tblKartrisUsers.


SELECT O.O_BillingAddress, O.O_ShippingAddress, O.O_PurchaseOrderNo, U.U_CardholderEUVATNum, O.O_Date, O.O_CurrencyID, O.O_CurrencyIDGateway, O.O_TotalPriceGateway, O.O_LanguageID, O.O_Comments, U.U_EmailAddress

Then you can add it to a control on your invoice.ascx form by setting the text value to tblInvoice.Rows(0).Item("U_EmailAddress")