Contact Form Recaptcha
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By ianguest - Mon 14 Apr 2014
I am looking into setting up the recaptcha script into the contact form to stop bots sending messages.

Has anyone successfully added the code???

If so How have you accomplished this?
By Paul - Mon 14 Apr 2014
Are you getting bots post? The contact form implements the no-bot control which we've found to be pretty effective (we don't get bot posts via the Kartris site). We do get the odd spammy post that I think is done manually (if they'd cracked beating no-bot, we'd get a lot more messages than we do).
By ianguest - Thu 17 Apr 2014
I have been told that the client is receiving bot emails and has requested a recaptcha style validation on the email form.

But if you say there is a script already in place, they are not receiving it via the email form.
By Paul - Thu 17 Apr 2014
The nobot control is visible in the contact.aspx page:

<ajaxToolkit:NoBot ID="ajaxNoBotContact" runat="server"  ResponseMinimumDelaySeconds="2"
CutoffMaximumInstances="5" />

This is the info on nobot:

As they say, it's not quite as bulletproof as something requiring human intervention, but we've found it pretty good. It should be possible to see if the spam they are receiving is via the web form by the format of it (Kartris formats the messages in a particular way), or by checking the full headers to see whether the mail was indeed sent from the web server address or some other IP.