Drag / Drop sorting

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By Neil - Thu 27 Feb 2014
I have a client who has lot's of products per category. Using the up/down arrows is fine but takes forever to move items around. It would be great if a drag drop system could be built in like this http://johnny.github.io/jquery-sortable/
By Paul - Fri 28 Feb 2014
I recall a while back we did have drag and drop support using asp.net web parts or ajax toolkit - I forget which. But this was only for the product images in the back end. It was a little erratic with regard to how it worked in various browsers, so we decided to drop it and just use up/down for those. It's something we might revisit though at some point, although it probably falls into the 'nice to have' rather than 'must have' as it provides convenience and saves time rather than enable Kartris to do something new it can't do at present.