INteresting custom pages and URL remapping glitch
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By ibogashop - Wed 26 Feb 2014
Hi All,

When I try to remap a custom page to the default.aspx url, Kartris gives a 404 error. You can remap "standard" pages like the contact.aspx without issue, but apparently not the custom pages - is there any workaround known for this, as we'd like our custom page to be our default.aspx page.

This works a treat

<urlMappings enabled="true">
<add mappedUrl="~/contact.aspx" url="~/default.aspx" />

This gives a 404 error

<urlMappings enabled="true">
<add mappedUrl="~/t-aboutiboga.aspx" url="~/default.aspx" />

Many thanks

[email protected]
By Paul - Thu 6 Mar 2014
There is already a custom page for Default which pulls content onto the home page top section - the free HTML area. Below that are the other sections like featured products etc. but you should be able to remove these.

Failing that, if you want to keep the URL of your custom page different, I wonder if you tried setting it up in IIS as a default page? Not sure if that would give same issue. ALso, could try redirection rather than mapping, so the browser will redirect to your custom page with a 301. I think you change the set up in your redirect file slightly to do that.