Can you sign up for mailinglist without being logged in as a user?
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By SAbow - Tue 7 Jan 2014
I want to be able to give viewers the ability to signup / subscribe for the mailinglist without signing up as a member. I know that cactushop had it, but I don't see the code for that built into kartris.

Anyone has this, or has done this?

By SAbow - Mon 20 Jan 2014
anyone ever try doing something like this with kartris?
By Paul - Tue 21 Jan 2014
In Kartris, it is linked to the user account, so you effectively have to create an account to do this. If you want to run the mailing list completely separate from user accounts, then you could just integrate with a third party system such as mailchimp (that's what we do on our site). This way, you can do the signups, sending and list management all from mailchimp - it's free for up to 2000 addresses and a certain number of mails each month.

The problem with the CactuShop approach (at least on v6 and above where is is merged), it essentially creates a customer record but just populates the email address and some settings fields that determine whether or not the account is verified etc. A random password is created. This can then cause some confusion if this person subsequently comes to the site to order, because it tells them that there is already an account and they have to request the password (because they did not choose it, a random one was created). Some people question why there is already an account with a password they do not know and never chose.

We considered doing it the same way in Kartris, but decided against it, so the sign up to he Kartris mailing list is generally only done will ordering, or from within the my-account section. In some ways, this helps as it means the mailing list collected within Kartris is primarily customers, while the mailing list collected by a third party system like mailchimp is both casual users who may be interested as well as possibly customers too.