Show PO Textbox when Dropdown Selected for PO Offline Payment
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By knightedtech - Fri 20 Dec 2013
Hello. Trying to get this to work in 2.5008 and it doesn't seem like the javascript is firing when the dropdown is selected.

I compared the checkout.aspx.vb file from 1.4 to this version and the version in 1.4 (that works) does not have an event for the ddlpaymentgateways control as pasted below:

Protected Sub ddlPaymentGateways_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ddlPaymentGateways.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim arrSelectedGateway() As String = Split(ddlPaymentGateways.SelectedItem.Value, "::")
_SelectedPaymentMethod = arrSelectedGateway(0)
_blnAnonymousCheckout = CBool(arrSelectedGateway(1))
End Sub

Is anyone else having this issue? Is this a possible bug?