My basket's gone!
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By Roosker - Thu 5 Dec 2013

I created a shop with Kartris and had everything running fine until my computer downloaded IE11 and some of the buttons wouldn't work. So I arranged .NET 4.5 hosting as suggested in the knowledgebase, uploaded the site to there and changed the DNS. The site seemed to be working fine until I went to view basket - it just shows a blank page. It'll go to the Basket page if the basket is empty but if there's anything in it it's just blank. HELP!
By Mart - Thu 5 Dec 2013
A url for us to look at?
By Roosker - Fri 6 Dec 2013
Hi Mart,

Thanks for the reply - I wasn't sure if it was acceptable to post URL's in the forum. The site is at
By Paul - Fri 6 Dec 2013
Check the basket.aspx file. I occasionally see errors like this when there is an FTP error and the file ends up with no content (basically a blank file).
By Roosker - Fri 6 Dec 2013
Thanks Paul. I tried uploading the file again, then deleting the files on the server and replacing them but it didn't work. When I view the content of the Basket.aspx file on the server I get this;
<%@ Page Language="VB" MasterPageFile="~/Skins/Kartris/Template.master" AutoEventWireup="true"
CodeFile="Basket.aspx.vb" Inherits="Basket" %>

<asp:Content ID="cntMain" ContentPlaceHolderID="cntMain" runat="Server">
<user:BreadCrumbTrail ID="UC_BreadCrumbTrail" runat="server" EnableViewState="False" />
<asp:Literal ID="litTitle" runat="server" Text='<% $Resources: Basket, PageTitle_ShoppingBasket %>'></asp:Literal></h1>
<user:BasketView ID="UC_BasketMain" runat="server" ViewType="MAIN_BASKET" />
<userTongueopupMessage ID="UC_PopUpErrors" runat="server" />

I can't open any aspx.vb files with my FTP client but the version on my machine looks like this:

'Kartris -

'This program is free software distributed under the GPL without any

'If a valid license.config issued by Cactusoft is present, the KCL
'overrides the GPL v2.
Partial Class Basket
Inherits PageBaseClass

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Page.Title = GetGlobalResourceObject("Basket", "PageTitle_ShoppingBasket") & " | " & Server.HtmlEncode(GetGlobalResourceObject("Kartris", "Config_Webshopname"))

If Not IsPostBack Then
If Request.QueryString("error") = "minimum" Then
UC_PopUpErrors.SetTextMessage = GetLocalResourceObject("Popup_OrderBelowMin")
UC_PopUpErrors.SetTitle = GetGlobalResourceObject("Kartris", "ContentText_CorrectErrors")
End If
End If
End Sub
End Class

I've replaced the BasketView user control on the server as well. I tried adding some text into Basket.aspx and commented out the literal but the changes weren't refleceted on the server...

Where are the basket contents stored? Maybe I'm missing a file and I can check if I know what to look for.

** EDIT **
I've changed the webshopurl back to localhost to test this and had the same problem. I replaced Basket.aspx, Basket.aspx.vb, Basketview.ascx and BasketView.ascx.vb with files from the initial downloaded Kartris folder and had exactly the same problem. I decided to stop there - it might be harder to find the problem if I start tinkering with the code. Please let me know if you have a solution.
By Roosker - Sat 7 Dec 2013
Thanks everybody for replying. I don't mean to be pushy but I have a deadline for this site and I took a chance on Kartris as I've never used it before. Is this a terminal issue that can't be solved? If so please let me know so that I can make an alternate plan.
By Paul - Sat 7 Dec 2013
Can you try the following...

Switch the site to ASP.NET 2. Then switch it to ASP.NET 4 again.

I have seen a similar issue before where somehow a bad build of the file gets cached in IIS and it's very difficult to clear it. I had it once before with a client and we ended up creating a new web, moving all the files into that, and everything was fine.

Cannot guarantee that switching the app pool between 2 and 4 will work. But I know the other site where we had a similar problem, if we removed the file completely we got a 404, but then putting it back somehow picked up the cached version again.

I am pretty sure it's not a kartris issue per se, it's some kind of bad cache issue in IIS that just needs flushing. That's easier to do on your own server than on shared hosting though, hence switching between versions *might* work.
By Roosker - Tue 10 Dec 2013
Thanks for all the help - it seems that this was a database issue. I restored to an earlier backup and it worked, not sure why it didn't work in the first place.