By JediRx7 - Fri 22 Nov 2013
I am trying to install ver 2.5008 on a staging server with a newly created database. When I click 'Next" after entering my database connection info I get the following error:
Error: Database Schema Creation Failed - Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_tblKartrisObjectConfig'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tblKartrisObjectConfig'. The duplicate key value is (6).The statement has been terminated.
I created the blank database first and told Kartris to use existing database as I've done with previous versions. Is this a bug in 2.5008 install?
By Medz - Mon 25 Nov 2013
I can't seem to replicate the issue here. Can you confirm that you're getting it everytime you try to set up a new 2.5008 install? Can you delete and recreate a blank database and see if it still does it?
By Paul - Mon 25 Nov 2013
There was an error with this, it was to do with a new object config, but the file was repaired a few days ago. We're going to release a v2.5009 today/tomorrow anyway, as it seems Microsoft needs us to create a new version number for the web app gallery.