File upload maximum folder size
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By mattlynham - Tue 12 Nov 2013
Does any one know how to increase the maximum folder size for the uploads folder, when uploading documents via the document upload icon in the WYSIWYG? It says mine is 100mb, but can find where this is set?
By Paul - Tue 12 Nov 2013
Which version of kartris is it (the wysiwyg editor is different depending on version)? 100mb seems pretty big for files to be uploading, but I don't think there would be anything within Kartris to enforce this. Most likely it will be a limitation on the server. If on shared hosting, you might be stuck, but on your own server you should be able to lift any limitations from the metabase I think.
By mattlynham - Mon 18 Nov 2013
Hi Paul

Thanks for the reply.

It's Kartris 1.4004, and its not the actual file upload limit its actually the "Max upload folder size" - which somehow we have gone over anyway! ( see screenshot below ).

It's on our own dedicated server, and there is not limitation on folder size there so I'm a little lost where this is coming from?
By Paul - Mon 18 Nov 2013
This is the Cute HTML editor... I searched their support forums, and only found this:

It's not really clear from the thread if this solved the posters' problems.
By mattlynham - Tue 19 Nov 2013
Cheers for this, it's now been resolved, I found 3 config files:
  1. /CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Configuration/Security/Admin.config
  2. /CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Configuration/Security/Default.config
  3. /CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Configuration/Security/Guest.config
And updated the following lines in all three from:

<security name="MaxImageFolderSize">102400</security>
<security name="MaxMediaFolderSize">102400</security>
<security name="MaxFlashFolderSize">102400</security>
<security name="MaxDocumentFolderSize">102400</security>
<security name="MaxTemplateFolderSize">102400</security>


<security name="MaxImageFolderSize">1024000</security>
<security name="MaxMediaFolderSize">1024000</security>
<security name="MaxFlashFolderSize">1024000</security>
<security name="MaxDocumentFolderSize">1024000</security>
<security name="MaxTemplateFolderSize">1024000</security>