Slideshow and accordion stylsheet
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By TheCalicoTree - Thu 17 Oct 2013
I am upgrading from an older version where we are using the accordion stylesheet with the categories on the left hand side.

We'd like to use the new slideshow functionality but it looks as though they are not working when used together.

Has anyone done this or can anyone give me any advise please.


By Paul - Thu 17 Oct 2013
The accordion menu and the Foundation 'orbit' slideshow are certainly compatible, we have a site using these under development for a client here:

One change you might find though is the way the menu is embedded into the skin. Previously, we had a general category menu control, and the type of menu was switchable from the config settings. In v2.0, we changed this, so the menu control used in the template is fixed (e.g. you embed a CSS fold out menu, or accordion etc.). The reason was that the type of menu is an inherent part of the skin design. In our default skin for example, the fold out menu goes horizontally, but an accordion needs to go downwards and hence the skin needs to be formatted differently to accommodate this - it's not easy to build a skin which can just switch menu type without any formatting and layout problems.

We have a sample skin within the core Kartris zip which includes an accordion menu.

Note too that we use the foundation orbit slideshow, this does not require you to hook up any javascript, you just need to have a skin that is responsive (like our sample ones, which links in the Foundation scripts) and then put suitable HTML into the page.
By TheCalicoTree - Thu 17 Oct 2013
Thanks for getting back to me so promptly.

Yes, my skin is a copy of the Kartris Accordion. The menu is displaying down the left hand side but the slides are displaying statically as though the javascript is broken, in a list one on top of the other.

I've just tried to attach a screen shot but my screen freezes when I click Attach. Can I email you?


By Paul - Thu 17 Oct 2013
Does it happen in all browsers, or just IE or a particular version?

Have you tested with the other skins? Is it only on the accordion one, or is it that you've only used that one?
By TheCalicoTree - Thu 17 Oct 2013
The problem is with both IE and Firefox.

The Kartris skin works but as soon as I use KartrisAccordion (or my copied version) it stops displaying correctly.
By Paul - Mon 21 Oct 2013
I confirmed the error you reported in the latest version. I then copied across the template I had from the site we were developing for a client (just the .master) and found that fixed it.

I couldn't figure out exactly where the difference was, but considering the client site worked, I went back to that and grabbed the accordion template from that. Sure enough this seemed to work.

I've checked in the change on the main trunk, you can get the updated .master here (only file you need is /Skins/KartrisAccordion/Template.master)

We will roll this and a few other changes up in a k2.5007 release shortly.