PDF Product Brochures

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By ianguest - Tue 10 Sep 2013
I would like to include links for product pdf brochures in a prominent position.

Rather than placing the link within the main text area, I would like to setup the pdf download links below the images of the product.

How can this be undertaken?
By Mart - Tue 10 Sep 2013
Can you add them as a media file, just like you'd add a video?
By ianguest - Thu 12 Sep 2013
I've tried to setup a pfd brochure as a media link. But during the upload process it keeps coming up with page can not be displayed!

Sadly most supplier brochures for instruments are over 6mb so a little large.

Smaller brochures of 2mb are fine.
By Paul - Mon 16 Sep 2013
This isn't a Kartris limitation, it should be fixable:

By ianguest - Thu 19 Sep 2013
Thank you.

I added the following to the web.config file:

<system.web> <httpRuntime executionTimeout="3600" maxRequestLength="102400" appRequestQueueLimit="100" requestValidationMode="2.0" requestLengthDiskThreshold="10024000"/></system.web>
By Mart - Thu 19 Sep 2013
Did that work? If so can you select the post that suggested the fix as the correct answer - will help others who have that problem
By ianguest - Wed 25 Sep 2013
Yes, by adding the line into web.config file, it has allowed the upload of larger pdf documents.