By HomerSimpson - Thu 5 Sep 2013
I noticed on shipping options that Fedex is not an option.
I have previously written a fedex plugin and am an experienced developer.
I am assuming that there is a user-control that I can enhance to replace USPS shipping with Fedex shipping, would you agree?
Any comments appreciated.
By Medz - Sun 8 Sep 2013
Same with the payment gateways, we're working on an SDK which will provide sample code and more detail on creating new shipping gateway support. We'll definitely let you know as soon as its ready for download.
By HomerSimpson - Mon 9 Sep 2013
That is awesome, but if my deadline is such that I need integration faster would I be able to integrate with my own custom code?
By Medz - Tue 10 Sep 2013
I should be able to send you some code to get you started building your own Fedex.DLL in Kartris. Activate your account here in the forum so that I can PM you the details.
By Z - Mon 16 Sep 2013
I would like to integrate the payment gateway moneybookers now called skrill into the application, can you supply me with the code also?