Kartris build error

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By minbor - Fri 21 Jun 2013

I have run the installation on my local pc and the site seems to be working, but when I opened the website in Visual Studio Express 1012 and tried to build the website I got the following errors.
Error 1 The resource object with key 'PageTitle_WelcomeToKartris' was not found. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Admin\Default.aspx 39
Error 2 The resource object with key 'FormLabel_Username' was not found. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Admin\Default.aspx 63
Error 3 The resource object with key 'FormLabel_Password' was not found. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Admin\Default.aspx 67
Error 4 The resource object with key 'FormButton_Submit' was not found. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Admin\Default.aspx 71
Error 5 The resource object with key 'ContentText_LoginBadUser' was not found. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Admin\Default.aspx 79
Error 6 The resource object with key 'ContentText_FrontOfSite' was not found. C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Admin\Default.aspx 83

Is this something that I missed when installing? PLease let me know what should I do to fix this or can this be safely ignored.

Kind regards,

By Paul - Thu 27 Jun 2013
This looks like an issue with the connection or permissions to the database.

Kartris stores language specific text for page elements in the database, and then uses a modified asp.net resource provider to make this available to pages. From the errors, it seems the resources are not present. The most likely cause is that Kartris does not have a connection to the database, or the correct permissions, to retrieve this language information (or any other information, it's just that these errors will be the first to materialize because of this).