Double apostrophe on imported data
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By erdemalkan - Thu 16 May 2013
I just imported csv product list into the Kartris database. But some items with apostrophe for example julie's or mike's that appear in web site with two apostrophe, like julies''s or mike''s. Any solution please help me. This is realy annoying Sad.Regards.
By Paul - Thu 16 May 2013
I'll log this as an issue. I think the reason is that there is some older code that is escaping single quotes for SQL server (in inline SQL, singles quotes are used to indicate strings, so if they appear within a string, they need to be escaped by using two single quotes).

You could try a find replace on the language elements in SQL to fix it locally on the imported data.

Something like

UPDATE tblKartrisLanguageElements SET LE_Value = replace(LE_Value,'''''', '''')
By erdemalkan - Thu 16 May 2013
This is worked best regards
By roblasch - Wed 4 Dec 2013
I have had allot of trouble figuring this out, and much frustration. When I have apostrophes in the supplier column it short circuits the import. In that column, and apparently only that column, it works to escape them with another apostrophe. For some reason, that doesn't work in any other column, which it should. It seems someone took the time to correct it, but not everywhere.