Plugin/Modul trigered before invoice
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By askomit - Wed 24 Apr 2013

I found Kartris surfing Google and decided to give it a try and liked it.

So i decided to use it for all future projects and my own web site.

Situation is in Croatia that we must give out fiscal invoices, and for this before issuing invoice, i need to have/develop a module that will send basic invoice details to Croatian tax authority (invoice total + invoice taxes + invoice number + unique invoice number), and i get back uniqe number from them back. This two numbers must be on invoice...

Also, invoice number is regulated by law... and it looks like this

operator id / store id / invoice id

I have a dll module for contacting the tax authoritiy.... i just need pointers where can i find in code place or how to triger this... invoice should be issuied only after payment is cleared and this should be automatic...

Any help/pointers are welcome...

I'm in negotiations for one store now, and i'll always include in my price commercial license for Kartris to support further development....

p.s. this is for Kartris 2.0
By Mart - Wed 24 Apr 2013
Its probably worth reposting this in the Kartris technical forum, as this forum is for more general questions
By askomit - Thu 25 Apr 2013
could you delete this post i created new topic in technical part
By Paul - Fri 26 Apr 2013
I fixed the issue with the forum. Not sure why, but the category seemed to have dodgy settings. I've renamed too in line with the suggestion, to cover plugins, customizations and other associated things. I'll close this thread but leave it visible.