Reinstalled Kartris with Sample db but "Username or password" not recognized
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By Obaid - Tue 23 Apr 2013
I followed your instructions for reinstalling Kartris backend.
1) Comment out
<globalization resourceProviderFactoryType="SqlResourceProviderFactory" culture="auto" uiCulture="auto" enableClientBasedCulture="true"/>

2) Then change db name in connection string to a db that does not exeist:
<add name="KartrisSQLConnection" connectionString="Data Source=OBAID-PC\SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;Initial Catalog=IdoNotExist" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/>

3) Ran installation routine. All goes ok and I checked to install sample db.

I have done this a few times but every time it says the user name or password does not exist.
(Yes, 1 and 2 was updated before trying to login)
By Obaid - Tue 23 Apr 2013
I see that there is on "Admin" user account in sql management studio
By Mart - Wed 24 Apr 2013
This is likely a permissions issue. The installer (or more correctly the web application it is running as) will likely not have permissions to create a new database.

Its probably easier to

1) setup an empty database with a name via SQL Management Studio.
2) either give the IUSR/App Pool that your web is using permissions to that database, or setup a SQL user on that database and use the username and password and appropriate option during the Kartris install
By Obaid - Wed 24 Apr 2013
"not have permissions to create a new database"
But the database with all tables populated gets created every time!
By Obaid - Wed 24 Apr 2013
The front end works fine but still the same issue with backend, 'Admin' and/or password not found!
By Mart - Wed 24 Apr 2013
Ah okay... so the installation went fine, this database error isn't during install, its when you try to hit the backend?
By Obaid - Thu 25 Apr 2013
Yes, its the backend that is the issue. Frontend loads fine and I get all the sample categories and products.
In sql server, all the tables are there and populated.
When I look at in Security/Users for any of the many sample database I have installed (because I have run the install routine many times) I see the following:

For the actual database sql server instance, OBAID-PC\SQLEXPRESS, in Properties/Security I am using SQL Server and Windows Authentication.
During the installation routine I select Windows Authentication.
By Mart - Thu 25 Apr 2013
But from what you're saying its not the database passwords that are the issue - its the username and password that Kartris creates for you to use the backend? I think that is what you are saying?

These are generated during install and given to you during the install process. Did you get those?
By Obaid - Thu 25 Apr 2013
Yes, I have these. Here is the latest one.
Username Admin
Password e3Ea$[}G

and in the table tblKartrisLogin Admin is there with "Login_Password" as "+0jBS68V8EQ48eoFTQuItVm0JzgJ+ctxC2fZ2pzWWIM="

I also note down the hash salt key displayed at the end of installation:
Hash Salt Key:244246ad-b4ff-432e-a208-baab5563a9eb
By Obaid - Thu 25 Apr 2013
Sorry if I was not clear. But yes, the problem is with "Admin" user created by Kartris to login to the backend.
By Obaid - Fri 26 Apr 2013
Any ideas regarding above?
By Mart - Fri 26 Apr 2013
Did you try this?

Make sure that your webconfig is being updated by the installer... if its not (due to permissions) you'll have to update it manually. The hash you are shown during install should be in your webconfig... if it isn't or if there is a different one then you'll get login issues as the passwords when hashed wont match (as both will have been hashed with different hash values)
By Obaid - Fri 26 Apr 2013
There is a reason why we are given the Hashsalt key!!! Web.config needs to be updated to this.
Found the solution in this Forum by searching "Hashsalt".
Update web.config with the hash key given during install:

<add key="HashSalt" value="PlaceHashsaltHere"/>
By Obaid - Fri 26 Apr 2013
OOOps, Sorry, Looks like you answered correctly but I missed your reply! but found the answer.
Thank you for dealing with the less informed developers here!
(If you had a penny for every time...)