Databse Admin error
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By JJ - Mon 5 Mar 2012
Hi there.

I've noticed a couple of problems in my pre-flight check.

Firstly, I can't click on order information link (the "Select" link from the orders screen) it says page not found but the _ModifyOrderStatus.aspx and .vb are both there.

Secondly, I cannot access the Database Admin screen where I was hoping to find why the modify order status page wasn't working. 

When I click the Database Admin link I get the Error Screen telling me a log file was created.

Any ideas as to where I can start looking?
By JJ - Thu 8 Mar 2012
anyone got any ideas on this yet?
By Medz - Sun 11 Mar 2012
You can look in the error logs folder and manually open the log files from there. 

By default, the error log files are dumped here ->

Webshop Root\Uploads\Logs\Errors