Prices are rounding up
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By rocknet - Wed 1 Feb 2012
Help. My prices keep rounding up to the nearest pound. The decimal points don't show.

By rocknet - Thu 2 Feb 2012
I still can't work it out. I have found a section in the currencies section that has a check mark against decimal points but it has not effect. My site is still not showing pounds and pence. It only shows prices rounded up the the nearest pound.
By rocknet - Fri 3 Feb 2012
OK so I did a local install of Kartris on my pc and the situation is still the same.

Prices are not showing the pennies. So when I enter 9.95 the final price appears as £10.

I have tried to change the settings for VAT etc to see if this might be the problem but it has not effect.

Does anyone else have this issue?

By rocknet - Mon 6 Feb 2012
OK. This is getting a bit weird as I seem to be having a conversation with myself. But I guess it's a good way of working through the problem in a logical manner.

I'm still working on the problem and have found a page called 'currencies' in the 'regional setup' menu.

There's an option for 'round number's which may or may not be the answer to my problem. However, I am unable to change the setting. The problem is that the form requires a setting for ISO (n). So I can't save any changes to the round numbers setting.

Now I don't even know if I'm going up a blind alley by trying to change the 'round numbers' setting but it might be worth a try... If only the form could let me save it.

If no one else knows the answer to this then I hope to reply to myself again in a couple of days or so.

By Medz - Tue 7 Feb 2012
Hi Steve, have you by chance upgraded from CactuShop? By default, I think the "round number" value for GBP is already set to 2. If its set to 0 then it would indeed round all the price values in the frontend to the nearest pound. Also you need to make sure that the "currency uses decimal fractions" checkbox is ticked.

You can see the list of numeric currency iso codes here ->
By rocknet - Tue 7 Feb 2012
Hy Medz. That did the trick. Thanks alot.

I was nearly there but just didn't make the connection with the country code as I didn't know where to find them.

I was kind of enjoying talking to myself but it just goes to show that it's good to have some help.

