Mailing lists
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By TheCalicoTree - Tue 31 Jan 2012
When a customer opts in to mailing lists at point of checkout should an email be triggered asking for verification? This is not happening on our system. The only way you can trigger the email is to request the email to be sent from the My Account page.

I can't imagine many people clicking on this link so we really need the email to be triggered at point of order. Have looked through config settings and nothing seems related. IS this an error?

By TheCalicoTree - Mon 6 Feb 2012
Added the following code to checkout.aspx.vb to check whether the customer has subscribed and if not email verification.

 ' If mailing list ticked, send email for verification
          Dim tblCustomerData As New Data.DataTable
          Dim numCustomerID as integer = objOrder.CustomerID
          Dim sbdMailingText As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
          Dim strMailingText As String
          Dim ML_SendMail as boolean
          If chkMailingList.Checked
                     tblCustomerData = objBasket.GetCustomerData(numCustomerID)
                     Dim strEmail As String = "", strPassword As String = ""
                     If tblCustomerData.Rows.Count > 0 Then
                               strEmail = FixNullFromDB(tblCustomerData.Rows(0).Item("U_EmailAddress")) & ""
                               ML_SendMail = FixNullFromDB(tblCustomerData.Rows(0).Item("U_ML_SendMail"))
                      End If
                      If not ML_SendMail then
                              objBasket.UpdateCustomerMailingList(strEmail, strPassword)
                               sbdMailingText.Append(GetGlobalResourceObject("Kartris", "EmailText_NewsletterSignup") & vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
                               sbdMailingText.Append("[WEBSHOPURL]Default.aspx?id=" & numCustomerID & "&r=" & strPassword & vbCrLf & vbCrLf)
                                sbdMailingText.Append(GetGlobalResourceObject("Kartris", "EmailText_NewsletterAuthorizeFooter"))
                               strMailingText = sbdMailingText.ToString
                               strMailingText = Replace(strMailingText, "[IPADDRESS]", Request.UserHostAddress())
                               strMailingText = Replace(strMailingText, "[WEBSHOPNAME]", GetGlobalResourceObject("Kartris", "Config_Webshopname"))
                                strMailingText = Replace(strMailingText, "[WEBSHOPURL]", WebShopURL)
                                strMailingText = strMailingText & GetGlobalResourceObject("Kartris", "ContentText_NewsletterSignup")
                                Dim strFrom As String = LanguagesBLL.GetEmailFrom(GetLanguageIDfromSession)
                                SendEmail(strFrom, strEmail, GetGlobalResourceObject("Kartris", "PageTitle_MailingList"), strMailingText)
                   End If
          End if