Paypal didn't return a VERIFIED response
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By Tim - Mon 16 Jan 2012
Hi All,

Today had a customer who managed to pay using paypal, but the order did not go through the system because of a bug with either paypal or the callback page. In the database admin the following error was given (followed by a whole bunch of sensitive paypal URL information):

Paypal didn't return a VERIFIED response (response message: INVALID) 

I've narrowed the problem down to the fact that the street address had a french accent above one of the characters, which seems to be causing problems, possibly due to the URL not being correctly encoded.

Has anyone seen this problem before, is there a fix for it?
By Tim - Wed 18 Jan 2012
No takers? Has no-one else seen this behaviour?
By Medz - Sun 22 Jan 2012
Ok. This might help ->

Find the line in callback.aspx.vb -->>

strResult += "FF_" & fldName & ":*:" & Request.Form(fldName)

and replace it with this -->>

strResult += "FF_" & fldName & ":*:" & HttpUtility.UrlEncode(Request.Form(fldName))

Basically we just want the form fields values to be URL encoded first before we pass them to PayPal.