Kartris Countries Caching

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By Tim - Fri 13 Jan 2012
Hi All,

Could anyone help with this issue?

I have my site set up so that the only country that is available as a destination is UK. When I add other countries, the drop down available to customers at the front end is not updated, but the database is.

By recycling the app pool, the new countries are visible. It seems there is some sort of server side caching going on, is there any way to turn this off, or refresh the cache manually? I've tried pressing the "Refresh Kartris caches" button, but this does not work. Looking at the page in other browsers also does not work.

Any help is much appreciated,

By Mohammad - Sun 15 Jan 2012
As far as I remember the destinations are not cached in kartris, it could be the web server itself is caching those entries, and that normally take couple of minutes (and sometimes hours) to refresh its cache.
By Tim - Mon 16 Jan 2012
Hi Mohammad,

After a bit more digging, it looks like the countries are cached as an ObjectDataSource in UserControls/General/CustomerAddress.ascx with a time period of 30. I set EnableCaching="false" and this fixed the problem.