how to remove newest products
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By rocknet - Mon 5 Dec 2011
I am trying to remove the newest products section from the default front page.

I thought that it would be the same process as removing the news section.

So I tried to change the config settings of .... frontend.display.newestproducts

I change the default setting of '5' to '0' and expected the section to dissaoear but it was still there.

When I did this for similar sections like the news it worked a treat, but not for the newest products.

Any ideas anyone?

By kalkhovm - Tue 6 Dec 2011
I think if you go to default.aspx in you root folder and remove the following lines, this should do what you want.

           <div class="chunk">
                <user:NewestItems ID="UC_NewestItems" runat="server" EnableViewState="False" />
By rocknet - Tue 6 Dec 2011
Thanks Kalkhovm. I will try that but I am still wondering why it doesn't automatically dissapear when I set the count to zero in the config.

Anyway. Thanks for giving me a solution.

By DesignTechieUK - Wed 18 Jan 2012
Hello Steve,

This appears top be a bug, I also noted this in one of my posts. I note if you set the featured product to '0' it removed it from the homepage. 

As you are editing the template it may be better if you comment out what you want to lose. 
using <!-- at the start of the tag and --> at the end of the tag that way you can go back if you change your mind.


By Paul - Thu 19 Jan 2012
I've sometimes seen problems when code is commented out with <!-- and -->. It seems that .NET can sometimes still see the control tags within this, as those are HTML comments.

A safer way is to hide .NET user controls by setting them to invisible:


You can remove or comment out the static HTML around them.

This way is generally better because there may be codebehind in the page containing the control that refers to the control, so removing the control or commenting it out may cause problems there.
By DesignTechieUK - Thu 19 Jan 2012
NEAT Paul - Thanks I will try this - I note you are not admitting this to be a bug though; Whistling - Maybe it's being fixed in the next release.

Don't suppose you can update on my other post too please.

