Paypal - order from KArtris
Kartris ASP.NET Ecommerce Software
Kartris technical issues
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Wed 26 Oct 2011
I tried to put a Live paypal on the website for testing purposes actually...
But on the invoice, i see "Order from Kartris" , where i would like to put "Order from XXXX"
I saw that there is a Post page , where there is a "value"="order from kartris" ... but where can i change this? Or is there a way to change this? couldnt find it..
By Paul
Thu 27 Oct 2011
This should be a language string... much of the routine text used in kartris for form labels, etc. is stored in the database as 'language strings'.
In the back end, put 'Order from Kartris' into the search, and it should find the language string you need to edit. You can also search by the name of the language string; if you're looking within the files and find text such as 'ContentText_Basket', you can search for this string by name, then edit the value in the back end.
Thu 27 Oct 2011
Thanks Paul, i was able to find it and change the text!
About the translation of the menus,do you have any idea?
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