ADD to cart button not working
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By - Tue 25 Oct 2011

i've just installed Kartris version 1.3 , but after doing that, everything seems ok, but two buttons are not working

If I browse a product, when I click the button "Add", it doesn't happen anything... neither a javascript error or something....

my site is

still testing it... on version 1.2 it was working fine!

can you advice me where could be wrong?

By Neil - Wed 26 Oct 2011
Hi Marcos,

I assume this is now resolved? The add to basket is working for me FF 7.0.1 / Mac 10.7.1
By - Wed 26 Oct 2011
yes!!! It's working fine now =) !!

But now, the Large View button is not working... i click on it, and nothing happens...

any hints?
By Paul - Wed 26 Oct 2011
I can see why the problem happens.... we have some javascript in the UserControls/Front/ProductView.ascx:

var objFrame = $find('ctl00_cntMain_UC_ProductView_tbcProduct_tabMain_fvwProduct_UC_PopUpMedia_popMessage');

But in your site, when I view the source, the element seems to be called:

Not sure why it is named differently. As a quick fix, you can edit the ProductView.ascx control, so the javascript doesn't have ctl100_ in there.

I am interested whether you changed anything in the settings that might account for the different naming of the control?
By - Wed 26 Oct 2011
That's definitely worked, Paul, thank you so much!!!

I really haven't move a thing in this file... it came out of the box, i just downloaded the file, unzipped and started the configuration...